Four Canadian PNPs Opened Draws on 18 May to issue Total 3,422 ITAs
- Saskatchewan PNP draw -invited 1,044 ISW candidates
- Ontario PNP- Skilled Trades Stream- issued 1,694 NOIs
- Manitoba PNP Draws -issued 526 Letters of Advice
- Prince Edward Island PNP draw – Issued 158 ITAs
On 18 May 2023, four Canadian provinces, i.e. Saskatchewan, Ontario, Manitoba and Prince Edward Island opened the immigration draws for their respective Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs).
In these four draws, these provinces together invited total 3,422 immigration candidates to apply for the provincial nomination for Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) Visa. Here are the details of all these draws.
Saskatchewan PNP draw on 18 May
Saskatchewan, Canada held the draw for the International Skilled Worker (ISW) Category of Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) on 18 May 2023. In this SINP draw, Saskatchewan has issued 1,043 invitations to the candidates with minimum score of 67 Points for invited subcategories. The Invited subcategories in this SINP Draw were Express Entry & OID (Occupation in Demand) Sub-category.
Find below the list of NOC Occupation codes, selected for the EOI selection:
13201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100, 13201, 21203, 21211, 21220, 21221, 21223, 21230, 21232, 21233, 21234, 21301, 21321, 22220, 22221, 31203, 32102, 32120, 32121, 32122, 32123, 41301, 62100, 70012, 72024, 72100, 72106, 72201, 72400, 72401, 72410, 82030, 92100
Ontario PNP draw on 18 May
Canadian province Ontario held a targeted draw for the Skilled Trades Stream of Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) on 18 May 2023. In this OINP draw, Ontario has issued NOIs (Notifications of Interest) to apply for provincial nomination to 1,694 candidates with CRS score range- 250-489.
Manitoba PNP draw on 18 May
Manitoba, Canada held the Occupation-Specific and All-Occupation draws of Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP) on 18 May 2023. In both type of draws, Manitoba has issued total 526 Letters of Advice (LAAs) to apply for provincial nomination.
Occupation-specific Draw for Skilled Worker in Manitoba- 18 May
Find below the MPNP- Occupation-based draw result:
- Number of Letters of Advice to Apply issued: 287
- Ranking score of lowest-ranked candidate invited: 610
Regular MPNP Draw for All occupations/categories
Prince Edward Island PNP draw on 18 May
Prince Edward Island held the scheduled monthly draw for PEI PNP (Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program) on 18 May 2023. In this PEI PNP draw, PEI has issued total 158 invitations to the candidates registered under Labour and Express Entry and Business Work Permit Entrepreneur stream.