Over a Million Job Vacancies Available in Various Sectors Across Canada

by Mansi Sahai Published on 05/Aug/2022
One million job vacancies available in Canada
  • More job vacancies in Canada's retail trade sector
  • 10,000 jobs added in tech occupations across various Canadian provinces
  • Weekly earnings raised by 2.5 percent

As per a monthly employment, vacancies and payroll report released by the Statistics Canada for May 2022, around 26,000 jobs are not on payroll since May 2021.

The report also revealed that Ontario recorded a job decrease of 30,000, while Manitoba recorded  figure of 2,500. Only British Columbia was the one province where payroll of the employees was increased.

Payroll in Various sectors Across Canada

A few sectors faced challenges in the payroll specially in services producing sectors. Overall loss of payroll could be seen in over 17,000 jobs in sectors like education, social assistance and healthcare.

2.5 percent Hike in Weekly Earnings

In spite of huge loss of jobs, the retail trade's weekly earnings have increased by 9.3 percent in May 2022 compared to May 2021. Wages were increased by 8.1 percent for sectors like scientific, professional, and technical services sector. 

Moreover, Canada's unemployment rate has also reduced to 5.1 percent and job vacancies have hiked up to 143,000 in the healthcare and social services sectors. Provinces like Nova Scotia and Manitoba have recorded a hike of up to 10 percent in job vacancies for accommodation and food service sector.

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