Saskatchewan Issued 745 ITAs for Provincial Nomination
In the latest SINP draw held on August 11, 2022, Saskatchewan invited 745 Express Entry and Occupations In-demand candidates to apply for provincial nomination.
In this round, Saskatchewan invited candidates under key International Skilled Worker subcategories, including Express Entry and Occupations In-demand.
To qualify, candidates under both the subcategories, candidates must have a valid Education Credential Assessment report and experience in one of the 20 targeted NOC codes.
Read further to know about 11th August SINP draw.
Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program Draw Results: August 11, 2022
Category: Express Entry
Draw Date: 11-Aug-2022
No. of Invitations Issued: 433
Score of Lowest Ranked Candidate to Apply: 68
Category: Occupations In-Demand
Draw Date: 11-Aug-2022
No. of Invitations Issued: 312
Score of Lowest Ranked Candidate to Apply: 68
Targeted Occupations for 11th August SINP Draw
Apart from meeting the minimum score criteria of 68 points, applicants must have had indicated any one of the targeted NOC codes on their EOI profile:
2171 Information systems analysts and consultants
0621 Retail and wholesale trade managers
6221 Technical sales specialists- wholesale trade
2281 Computer network technicians
2263 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety
0711 Construction Managers
2282 User support technicians
6211 Retail sales supervisors
0631 Restaurant and food service managers
3212 Medical laboratory technicians and pathologists' assistants
3219 Other medical technologists and technicians (except dental health)
3237 Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment
0632 Accommodation service managers
8252 Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers
6312 Executive housekeepers
3214 Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists
2234 Construction Estimators
7302 Contractors and Supervisors, Heavy Equipment Operator Crews
7305 Supervisors, Motor Transport and other Ground Transit Operators
8241 Logging Machinery Operators